Insanely sane… Surviving qualmless.

Insanely sane… Surviving qualmless.
I'm not a perfect person, But I never meant to do those things; And so I have to say before I go, That I just want myself to know. I've found out a reason for me,; To change who I used to be A reason to start over new, and the reason is you. I've found a reason to show, A side of me you didn't know; A reason for all that I do, Before I let you go...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

To C, see...

You drool over the drone

You lose yourself in thoughts unknown,

Motionless in the corner you immerse yourself

Over worries hard to divulge to some un-known.

Hiding the drops that betray your composure

You set up the image of an eternal cynosure.


Think you, I am lost to notice

Your antics amidst the brawling thesis

Knew I not you to keep you forever?

Then why take chances testing me ever,

Come reveal me if anything bothers you slightly ever.

P.S. Today I complete twenty whole posts of mine, and am elated about it. :)

Please do read and comment on my efforts if you find this post popping up anywhere near you :P


Soulreaver said...

heyya!! "aim alone" was better, far more expressive, altho this one has better rhymes, but it not rhyme that makes a poem. Aim alone was a bit less rhyming, but I think it ws b8r...nua this 1 is nice too,but "aim alone" was nicer... nua keeps the good work up :)

Diya said...

@ Soulreaver
Thanks :)
But "Aim alone" had a different intention where as this is totally of another aim :P lol, I have some aim too...!!

john said...

nice lines...
you're a daily blogger..way to go!!! am way too lazy to post :P

Arnab Majumdar said...

Great poem there. I've always held poets in great esteem, mainly 'coz I'm not that good at it. Nicely written this one. Will be going through the rest of your blog too, cheers...

Lucifer said...

oh if all ur 20 posts r like these then i have really been missin out on some vy powerful words...

**Hiding the drops that betray your composure

loved this line...beautiful!!

Diya said...

@ John
yeah you can call it so!
Nd that ur lazy, I am pretty well aware of that :P
Neways, thanks :)

Diya said...

@ Arnab
Thanks, my pleasure dear... you are welcome :)

Diya said...

@ Arnab
Thanks for following my blog, Im obliged :P

Diya said...

@ mayz
Thanks :)

ARUNA said...

Nice poem Diya......nicely written.Even i love writing and i started my blog with the same intention but don't know when it turned into a foodie world :(

Diya said...

@ Aruna
Even though it has turned into a foodie world, it is "tempting"! :) :P

Opaque said...

Some very strong lines here that really hit hard. Impressive! Keep them coming!

Diya said...

@ Brosreview
And can you believe I had to explain it to her!! :P
Thankxx :)