Insanely sane… Surviving qualmless.

Insanely sane… Surviving qualmless.
I'm not a perfect person, But I never meant to do those things; And so I have to say before I go, That I just want myself to know. I've found out a reason for me,; To change who I used to be A reason to start over new, and the reason is you. I've found a reason to show, A side of me you didn't know; A reason for all that I do, Before I let you go...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A silent admirer...

Every time I see you

I have the same stinging sensation

The same every time

You seem so handsome


You seem to speak to everyone

But me

Your care free attitude

Overwhelms me


Can’t you see me?

Can’t you feel my glances at you?

Don’t you realize that someone seeks only you?

Are your senses so numb?


The day I saw you

I knew something

I felt something

Maybe I was destined for you


But just destined to

Steal admiring silent glances at you

Without a word

So that others won’t know.


You seem to be the very

Target of my thoughts

My daylong obsession

The reason for my distraction.


You don’t talk to me properly

I am but just an object in the crowd

Another girl in the college

Have you ever wondered about me?


I have never felt so restless before

Never felt so obsessed

Never awaited so long for a single message

You broke my resolves


I am not the same me

As you liked when you saw me first.

I’m but just an object in the crowd

Your silent Admirer.


2.24 am, 24th March.

Please do read and comment on my efforts if you find this post popping up anywhere near you :P


Akshaya Kamalnath said...

Been there...itll pass trust me.

Random Guy said...

Go talk to him, if this is for real..
trust me, most boys won't know that u had been stealing glances at them.. :)

Diya said...

am not sure... He z now a good friend of mine still... :( :)

Opaque said...

I can feel you in this one. So, yes, the feel is expressed well. Still, I reckon you could polish this furthermore. I write so as I have read your earlier poems. No offence meant. Keep writing!

Diya said...

@ Brosreview
I cant explain this! :P

P.S. I`ll surely kill you the next time you say "no offense meant". And I am serious. :X I know you don't mean any offense Ajey.